Friday, October 2, 2009

Arianne B. asks: "What are those Different braces call?"

i have friends that have the ruberbands attacted to the next and others have only on the square thing. why is that does everyone get those attacted braces and what are the attacted braces called

The squares are actually attached by a wire. It's one wire that goes through the top and a second wire through the bottom. The squares that hold the wire are glued to the tooth, they're called brackets. Way in the back on the first molar there's a silver band that anchors the wire.

If that's not what you're talking about and you mean rubber bands going from the top to the bottom, that's just the treatment for that patient.

If you mean the wire is missing, maybe they haven't added the wire yet. OR maybe it's clear or tooth colored. Like this:

photo courtesy of:

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