Sunday, August 16, 2009


"I have an abcessed tooth and I took an RX of Amoxicillin 500 mg, 3x a day. Got from my Dr. I go to for my back and pay cash. Can't afford more at all. The infection did not go away. There's still a big bubble on my gum. It is NOT draining and I'm afraid it may spread into bone, blood or brain.
--Can I put a pin hole in bubble to help it drain, or will that open it up to more infection? (this is vs allowing it to stay inside}
--Also, how can I get tooth fixed with any money? Can anyone point me to a service that can help in Orlando, FL?
I think I can die from this and am getting really scared. I'm a Single Mom of 5 yr old and lost my job. Thanks for any professional info!!!"

The antibiotics the doctor gave you should definitely help the abscess but you're absolutely right. It won't go away until it can drain or the tooth is pulled.

There is a dental clinic that can work with your income. It's in Winter Garden, here's the info:…

They charge based on a sliding scale, which means if you make a lot of money, you'll probably pay the full amount. If you're making nothing then you pay nothing. You have to prove that you were fired, any documentation like a pink slip will do. Call ahead and make sure what they need so you'll be covered. Also, they have an arrangement for emergency patients, but its like at 6am and they only take a couple of people. Sometimes there's a big line, sometimes there's only one other person. It's first come first serve.
When you call, make sure you ask about coming in for an emergency. They only take patients "in pain" so say you are.

Hope it works out well for you. In the meantime, try to keep everything super clean, brush and floss as normal, use an antibacterial mouthwash and don't share drinks with your 5 yr old. The bacteria in your mouth can transfer to others. And DO NOT puncture it yourself. It could make matters much worse.

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