Sunday, August 16, 2009


"Basically my teeth are not the worst but not the best... they are in good shape without using a brace :) however i was an idiot and drank to much coke for around 4 years and consequently my enamel on my teeth has gone (not all of it but alot of it).

Luckily I have been funded to get Veneers, but because my teeth are slightly smaller than they should... does this let them put the veneer straight on without cutting anymore of my tooth away? that was my main concern?

Also how long do veneers last (if i took good care of them)?

AND if i needed them replaced would they be discounted or would i have to pay full wack for them to be replaced again cheers?

Im in the UK (if that helps) also does the NHS etc similar in America (i may be moving there within 3 years).


It depends on the dentist you go with, or more specifically, the veneer that the dentist will recommend for your circumstances. During the consultation he will explain the procedure and that's when you'll find out how much of the enamel will be removed. It's likely that SOME enamel (like a tiny, tiny layer) will be removed to make the surface smoother and to help the veneer adhere. But again, depends on the dentist, veneer, etc.

It's not likely that they'll last forever but if you take good care of them they can last 10 or sometimes 15 years. Replacements again are up to the dentist. If it's chipped, the whole veneer would need to be replaced but let's say the veneer just came off. If you brought it in, I'm sure it would cost less than needing a brand new one matched and fabricated.

Not sure about the NHS in the UK and whats similar here in the US but you never know. Legislation is changing over here and in 3 years it might be the same. MY recommendation is if you have the funds to do it where you are right now, at least get a consultation while the opportunity is available.

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