Sunday, August 16, 2009


"Ok, I got my spacers on Monday right.One of them came out on Tuesday. The orthodontist said that if it came out a day before your appointment call them, but my dad refused to take me. The next week I am going to get my braces. Do I have to wait for them just because one spacer came out. Need help. Thanks!!! Oh, I go to West Georgia Orthondontic's."

Since that spacer has only had a day- maybe less- to create any space, I doubt any space has been made... Thing is, they can't put your bracket on without any space to do it. They might put a bigger spacer in that day (bigger = more painful) and make you come back in a few days, maybe a week.

I say, put it back yourself.

It's simple (if you still have the spacer). Just thread 2 pieces of floss through it, pinch the ends of one piece together in one hand and the ends of the other piece in your other hand. That way, you'll be able to stretch the spacer by pulling on the pieces of floss. Once you can get it coordinated, gather the floss and pull the spacer so it's about the size of a tooth. Then, floss the spacer into the space it originally was. It might take a few try's but at least it'll be in there for your next appointment.

This video should help:

Note for next visit: since you're a new patient at your orthodontist, find out what their emergency policy is. Your dad might be worried that they'll charge extra if you come back but most offices expect emergency visits throughout treatment and don't charge for those visits.

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